Budget of University for 2015 approved in the amount of 935 million UAH, executed at 102.7%, with general fund revenue plan fulfilled by 100.0%, and plan of revenues of special fund - by 114.7%.
Compared to the 2014 budget increased by 99.7 million UAH, or 11.6%.
Positive changes were social benefits to workers and university students. During the 2015 payroll was done regularly, promptly and in full accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On labor" and the provisions of the Collective Agreement.
Officials have installed salaries of employees based on salary and wage category approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Decree of the President of Ukraine 08.30.2004 № 1023/2004. The minimum wage in 2015 increased from 1218 UAH per 1 January to 1 378 UAH per 1 September, or 13.1%.
Size of I tariff category increased from 1 September to 18.8%, and from December 1 is 10.0%, resulting from 852 UAH on beginig of the year increased to 1,113.0 UAH at the end of the year, or 30.6 %.
According to current legislation, Provisions on wages, Provision on bonuses and the Collective Agreement in addition to salaries, allowances and compulsory payments and bonuses and incentive payments character to employees of the University were paid:
- monthly and quarterly prizes and awards to anniversaries - amounting of 16 703.4 thousand UAH;
- annual financial assistance of teaching staff - amounting of 1186.6 thousand UAH;
- the statements of financial aid - amounting to 346.9 thousand UAH;
- allowances to salary teachers and researchers - amounting of 474.8 thousand UAH;
- assistance to workers of all types of staff for rehabilitation - amounting to 18 670.5 thousand UAH;
- salary which saved by mobilized workers - amounting of 560.4 thousand UAH;
- compensation for unused vacation part for the 2014/2015 year - amounting to 5 321.9 thousand UAH;
- prize for winners on the results of monitoring the quality of education - amounting of 165.0 thousand UAH.
On indexation of money incomes of workers were paid 4 647.2 thousand UAH.
The average salary for 2015 was 5 214,2 UAH, or 13.0% more than the corresponding figure for 2014.
In addition, according to the Collective Agreement and the Law of Ukraine "On Trade Unions, their Rights and Guarantees" during the year at the request of the trade union administration has allocated 340.0 thousand UAH for cultural, sports and recreational activities among university staff.
In the social security of students and doctoral candidates, namely, has changed: from September 1 2015 increased by 13.0% minimum academic scholarships and graduate students and doctoral scholarship increased according to changes in wages.
Average number of students, fellows made up 68.8% of the total budget contingent of students. Annual Scholarship Fund for 2015 in the amount of 157 774.1 thousand UAH was used in 100.0%, including social fund student aid amounted to 12 248.8 thousand UAH or 9.95% scholarship fund students.
In indexation scholarships according to the official index of consumer price was paid 5 182.2 thousand UAH. In addition, other sources and additional funds were paid grants amounting to 1 254.4 thousand UAH.
In carrying out economic activities, special attention is always paid to the reduction in consumption of energy and other utilities, but because of the growth rates of almost 50.0% the total cost for utilities compared to last year are increased.
The results of financial-economic activity in 2015 show a steady improvement of the network of paid services in educational and scientific spheres, international cooperation, social services, printing and other services.
University Academic Council's decision of 14.03.2016 p. acknowledged the budget of NTUU "KPI" in 2015 executed.