Approved by the Council on educational work "KPI" Minutes № 1 of 23.08.2005
1. General information
Memo was developed on the basis of:
- Constitution of NTUU "KPI";
- Regulations on the organisation of educational process in NTU "KPI";
- Laws of Ukraine "On Education" and "On Higher Education";
- Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:
- on 05.09.1996 № 1074 "Regulations on state higher education institution";
- on 20.01.1997 № 38 (№1264 from 14.11.1997, № 547 of 06.04.1999 ) "The list of paid services that can be provided by public schools."
- Order of the Minister for Education and Science of Ukraine:
- on 02.06.1993 № 161 "Regulations on the organisation of educational process in higher education";
- on 08.12.1995 № 340 (from 01.03.1996, № 1/1026) "Regulations on the organisation of external higher education in Ukraine";
- on 06.06.1996 № 191/153 "Regulations on academic leave and retraining in higher educational institutions";
- on 15.07.1996 № 245 "Regulations on the procedure of transfer, deductions and renewal of students in higher educational institutions."
Evening and external (distance) education is a form of obtaining a certain degree and at the same time having a job.
The organisation of evening and external (distance) educational is carried out according to state standards of education and the Regulation on the organization of educational process in NTUU "KPI" and takes into account the benefits required by law for individuals who combine work with study.
Admission to studying is made in accordance with the Rules of admission. Individuals enrolled in institutions of higher education that study by distance education (external study) have student status and are subjects to rights and duties established by current legislation.
According to "the Labour Code", Law of Ukraine "On leave" and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on June 28, 1997 № 634 "On the procedure, duration and conditions of granting annual leave to employees who are enrolled in higher education institutions, evening and distance learning where the learning process has some pecularities" for people who are in labor relations with enterprises, institutions and organisations irrespective of their ownership, type of activity and industry sector, and working under an employment contract from an individual and enrolled in institutions of higher education by distance, are provided with benefits such as additional paid leave and leave without pay.
The content, amount, structure and quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students enrolled on the external higher education must meet the requirements of state educational standards established for appropriate educational qualification level.
Duration of studying to earn Bachelor’s degree on the external form of study is 4-4.5 year and duration of studying to earn master’s degree is the same as for full-time study.
Curriculum for external form of study at the list of disciplines (except physical education and military training, if they are not professional), are fully consistent in number of hours and in final control to curriculum of full-time study. Number of study hours in evening and evening-correspondence forms of education is set at the rate of 8.16 hours per week.
Teaching process for distance learning is organized according to the Regulations on the organisation of educational process in NTU "KPI" and performed during examination periods and between them. Examination period for distance learning students is part of the school year, during which all forms of educational process, provided in the curriculum (lectures,
laboratory classes, practicals and seminars, consultations and control tests).
The total duration of examination period for each academic year is determined based on the amount of additional leaves specified in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on June 28, 1997, №634 (on the first and second years of study duration of examination period has to be up to 30 days (240 hours) a year, excluding weekends; on the third year of study and the next years up to 40 days (320 hours)). Number of examination periods and their timing is set due to the annual schedule of educational process, taking into account the training area (specialty), year of study, opportunities and wishes of students and their employers.
Period between examination sessions - is part of the school year for external students, during which the students study both independently and under the guidance of a teacher. The main tasks are completing the tests and individual tasks. Tests and individual tasks included in curriculum can be performed both at home (outside the institution, usually in the intersessional period) and at the University (usually during the exam session). Individual tasks are done in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on the organization of educational process in NTUU "KPI".
Lectures for external students are usually on general topics and not very specific. Auditorium classes typically take about 10-20% of time comparing to full-time classes.
The seminars are held on the main topics of the course submitted for independent study.
Practical and laboratory works should provide the formation of skills at the necessary level.
To ensure systematic self-study of part-time students they can be consulted in the intersession period, course projects (works) and other idividual tasks. In the inter-session period part-time students may be given the opportunity to attend training sessions, other types of trainings even with full-time students, if the teacher permits.
Tests performed at home, teacher should check within seven days from the time they were received, results are transferred to the University if the student agrees with the mark. Tests performed at the University are checked by teacher in two days and the results of their implementation are transferred. The procedure of fulfilment of tests are appointed by the appropriate department.
After passing the exam (test) students’ tests are being destroyed, and the relevant document (certificate) indicating the list of works and names of students is compiled by the department.
External study process during sessions and inter-session period are carried out according to the schedule of the educational process and curriculum for the current year, that are announced to the students, usually before the beginning of the school year.
Dean (Institute Director), under certain circumstances (illness, business trips, difficult family circumstances) can set individual schedule of the educational process for students within the current semester.
External students are allowed to pass the exams if they do not have any academic debts for the previous semester and debt in payment (contract) for education. Student is admitted to pass the exams of a certain discipline if he has passed all control tests and individual tasks. Tests and tasks are considered passed, when they are checked and credited.
Students are informed with a certificate-invitation to come and pass their exams according to the schedule of the educational process. Authorization note issued by an academic establishment is the basis for providing additional paid leave for students who have completed all the curriculum requirements for the previous session. Authorization note issued by an academic establishment is a document of reporting procedure and is registered in a separate book with the number and the date of issue. After the exam session dean gives the student a certificate of participation in the exam session.
External students who have not fulfilled the requirements of the curriculum (all control tests and individual assignments), and are not entitled to additional paid leave, but appeared for the exam session, are allowed to the consultations held by teachers, laboratory and practical works, and allowed to pass of exams without subsequent provision with additional paid leave for the current academic year.
2. Basic academic rules for students
2.1. Student rights
University students have the right to:
- be protected from any form of exploitation, physical and psychological violence;
- safe and harmless conditions for studying, work, and life;
- compete for the continuing education program for Master’s degree, get directions to training, training in other educational institutions, including abroad, etc .;
- get access to the any training courses in the departments, to scientific and technical library of the University;
- participate in the formation of individual curriculum;
- select disciplines (chapters, topics) to the extent provided for educational and professional training program and curriculum work, forming this unique curriculum;
- select independent method of studying for a discipline;
- select one of the teachers on discipline if the schedule provides a choice;
- get counseling on a fixed schedule;
- interrupt studies after obtaining a basic higher education and continue studying at university or other educational institution Program Specialist (Master) full-time or externally. Enrollment is done on a competitive basis for vacant places financed from the state budget or for a fee;
- transfer to full-time education and in places with budget funding by competition, by decision of the Scientific Council of the Faculty (Institute), taking into account the student's success and his social position;
- obtain the second higher education according to the "Regulations on the receipt of the second higher education in" KPI "";
- Visit classes at other faculties (institutes) with the permission of the dean of the faculty (institute director), when it do not coincide with the schedule of the educational process in his department;
- offer suggestions to improve the quality of educational process;
- free use of research libraries;
- participate in the research, development work, conferences, symposia, exhibitions, contests, submit their work for publication;
- moral encouragement for success in studying, actively involved in research work and public life of the university or department;
- get academic leave, renewal and transfer to another higher education institution (HEI) in due course;
- be provided with hostel during exam sessions in the prescribed manner (according to the "Regulations on settlements and stay in campus dorms" KPI "").
2.2. Duties of students
The student must:
- follow the laws of Ukraine, moral and ethical standards;
- fulfill the requirements of the constitution NTUU"KPI" and Internal Regulations "KPI";
- systematically and deeply acquire knowledge and practical skills in the specialty, work conscientiously to improve its scientific and general cultural level;
- fulfill all the requirements of the curriculum in terms of the defined schedule of educational process;
- attend classes according to the curriculum and schedule*;
- promptly inform the dean in cases of inability valid reasons to attend classes, take (retake) exams, tests, and other tasks.** ;
- carefully use the property of the University (rooms, premises, furniture, equipment, tools, manuals, books, appliances, etc.); it is prohibited to move equipment of laboratories, study and other areas, without the permission of those responsible;
- follow instructions of the monitor of the study group;
- take care of the honor and prestige of the university, to prevent illegal and immoral acts, be disciplined and tidy at the university, as well as on the street and in public places.
For dereliction of duty and violation of internal regulations of the University, Rector or the head of the unit (faculty, institute, department, etc.) may impose disciplinary penalties on students and the rector has the right to expel them.
2.3. The rights and duties of the monitor of the. academic group
2.3.1. Terms
Monitor is a dean representative for institutional support of the learning process in the academic group and for managing a student group, inform them about all official events held by Dean of the Faculty (Institute) and the administration on their behalf.
Monitor represents the interests of students before the dean and the department, works with the deputy dean (director).
Monitor is one of the most successful students who have a high moral standarts, is respected among students and teachers group, has a positive effect on it and has organizational skills.
For the proper performance of their duties the elder may be morally encouraged by Administration Department (Institute) and the University.
Monitor is responsible for the performance of their duties and use of their rights under the Regulation on the organisation of educational process in NTU "KPI", and adheres to individual privacy of student academic group.
2.3.2. Appointment and dismissal of the monitor
Monitor of the academic group is appointed by Administration Department (Institute) on the 1st year of study for the first semester. After this period, the decision to accept re-election is made bythe academic group.
Monitor is re-elected at the meeting of the academic group at obligatory presence of the Administration Department (Institute). The decision to re-elect is made by direct vote by a simple majority of the students that belong to the academic group, which is recorded in the submission (application, protocol, etc.) to the Dean. Upon recommendation of the academic group monitor gets appointed by the order of the faculty (institute).
Monitor is elected for the entire period of study. Dismissal of the monitor can be done on their own, initiated by the administration or students of the group if they can not cope with responsibilities or lost the moral right to be the official leader of the student group.
2.3.3. Duties of the monitor
Monitor must:
- monitor the performance of students with the constitution NTUU"KPI" and Internal Regulations NTUU"KPI";
- inform students about the orders of administration, dean, faculty members who conduct classes about educational process and other official events;
- participate in planning, organizing and conducting activities related to the educational process of academic groups;
- prepare and hold students’ meetings of the academic group to discuss the state of training and discipline as other issues of student life;
- monitor the state of discipline and behavior in the group, the safety of educational equipment in classrooms, laboratories, academic buildings;
- conduct individual work with students in groups regarding the requirements of the curriculum, internal regulations;
- ensure student participation in group events held at the faculty (the Institute) and the University involving student academic group;
- to inform dean about disruption of classes, misunderstandings that may occur etc.
- promptly inform the faculty (institute) abuse the rights of students, possible conflicts with teachers, other issues that are important to students;
- participate in meetings of academic groups monitors;
- participate in committees that are created on the faculty (the Institute) and the University for conflict resolution;
- after the tests and examinations receive a summary of results of examinations and bring it to the attention of students;
- appoint on-duty student for each day.
2.3.4. Rights of the monitor
Monitor may:
- recommend the best students for the moral encouragement for excellent teaching, actively involved in research work etc.
- offer suggestions about administrative penalties on students for violations of labor and study discipline, internal regulations;
- make orders for students about the educational process and the check the fulfillment of orders given to a group by administration faculty (institute) and the University.
3. Semester control
Semester control is carried out in the forms of semester exam, graded credit or end-of-term test from a specific discipline on educational material defined by curriculum, and in the terms stated in the curriculum.
3.1. General Information
The list of exams and semester control tests determined working curriculum specialty. Number of exams each semester should not be more than 5, and end-of-term tests- 6.
Semester tests and exams be passed by students during the exam session according to the schedule approved by the Faculty Dean (Institute Director) and announced to teachers and students no later than one month before the session. Deviations from tests and examinations schedule is unacceptable. In case of examiner’s illness Head of Department must make a replacement and inform the dean.
Semester tests on specific subjects are conducted at the end of the study. End-of-term tests are passed and checked by teachers who conducted practical seminars and other activities in the training group or lectured in the discipline.
Final mark shows the results of student per semester (student’s performance of individual tasks and tests) or the results of the performance on the control test or oral interview. The order of tests is controled by the department.
Before each exam students are being consulted.
Dean (Director Institute) in agreement with vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical terms may determine individual student exams due to valid reasons (illness, family circumstances, travel, etc.), if documented. Students enrolled in the individual schedule of classes can take the examination and tests during the semester, but no later than the beginning of next semester.
The student is not allowed to control tests if he had not fulfilled all the types of work tasks (laboratory works and certain individual tasks) stated in curriculum for a semester. Teacher puts "not allowed" to the record. Being “not allowed” from certain discipline can not be the cause of his non-admission to semester control from other disciplines.
A student who fell ill during the session, shall inform the dean of his illness no later than the day after the exam and a week after recovery submit a certificate of medical establishment.
Exams are being taken by lecturers who taught the course. In taking the exam can participate professors who conducted the study in group sessions on this discipline. If some sections of the discipline were taughtby several teachers, exam (test) can be carried out with their participation and one general mark. As an exception, for good cause, Chair in consultation with the Dean (Institute Director) may assign another examinator that knows the subject. Results of exams, differentiated tests, course projects (works) and practices are evaluated on four-point scale ("excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory") and credit - by two-point scale ("Accepted", "not Accepted ") and entered in the examination information, and the positive results, in addition - to the academic records and academic student card.
If you receive unsatisfactory evaluations, retake of the exam (test) can happen of no more than two times. When you retake exam (test) it can be accessed by the commission that is created by the dean (director of the institute). Evaluation of the second retake is final.
Students who have received during the session no more than two unsatisfactory evaluations, are permitted to eliminate academic debts during the week after the session. Each teacher during this period can permit a student two retakes of an exam.
The student who did not eliminate academic debts for previous academic session in time gets expelled from the university.
If the student was admitted to pass the semester control, but did not appear without good reason, it is believed that he used an examination attempt (test) and has an academic debt.
In cases of conflict motivated by statement of the student or teacher, Dean (Institute Director) creates a commission exam (test) to control the result, which includes the Head of Department (leading teacher), teachers and representatives of the relevant department dean.
Exam for improving the positive assessment are allowed from no more than three courses for the entire period of study. This permit is given by Dean (Institute Director) on the application of the student in consultation with the head of the relevant department.
3.2. Preparation for the semester control
Semester control can be held orally using examination papers or in written form with control test, or a test with the use of computer program. Combination of different forms of control is possible. Form of semester control is stated in the study program. The content and structure of the examination tickets (control tests) and assessment criteria are discussed and determined by the decision of the chair, as the students are informed at the beginning of the semester.
Paper (control task) should fully involve working curriculum subjects or part of it, which is proposed for the control terminal and ensure verification of knowledge, skills and abilities of appropriate level, provided the program that is consistent with the functional content and validity. Number of examination tickets for the oral examination should not exceed the number of students in a study group and is not less than 5. The number of variants of control tasks (for writing control) should ensure the independence of the assignment of each student.
Difficulty of examination papers for the oral examination should be about the same and allow the student during the time allowed for answers (20 minutes), deeply and fully disclose the content of all issues.
The difficulty and complexity of the writing control for should comply with designated control time (90-135 minutes); tasks should not require detailed explanations of complex calculations and drawings, and provide a minimum of overhead time to support operations, interim calculation etc.
In developing of the assessment criteria for a specific discipline one should focus on the following general recommendations.
- "Excellent", if the student demonstrates full knowledge of the material in a given amount, the required level of skills, takes all the necessary decisions in various unusual situations.
- "Alright" - admits insignificant inaccuracies, student has difficulties in transforming skills in the new environment.
- "Satisfactory" - student learned basic theoretical material, but has inaccuracies, not an obstacle to further education. He can use the knowledge to solve common tasks.
- "Poor" - uncompleted chapters, inability to apply knowledge in practice, making it impossible to further training.
3.3. Semester control
In carrying semester control examiner should have the documentation:
- approved by the head of the department (with the number of the protocol and date of meeting chair) set of examination tickets;
- separate papers issuance for students;
- list of materials approved by Head of Department, use of which is allowed to students during the exam (test);
- criteria for evaluating the level of training of students approved by Head of Department;
- test-examination statement signed by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty (Director of the Institute).
Examination-scoring roll examiner gets at the dean office before or the day of the semester control.
Attendance of outsiders without the permission of the rector, vice-rector or dean is not allowed at examinations.
Exams begin typically at 9.00. The oral exam in the training group should not exceed 9 hours, written - 3 hours. Student should not spend more than 4 hours in the examination room.
In an oral exams no more than 6 students can be in the audience at the same time to prepare for exam. Students should be given at least 30 minutes to talk. Practical skills are checked using special equipment and facilities.
In examinations, students are required to submit a student academic record. In the absence of student academic record, student must have a certificate from the dean about her loss and document identification, otherwise the exam the student is not allowed.
During execution of examination work (preparation for response to oral exam), students are required to comply with the requirements of the department. If you violate student established internal regulations or ethical standards, teacher has the right to remove you from the exam, put the mark "suspended" in the examination information, and state the reasons in the memo addressed to the Dean (Institute Director).
Refusal of student to answer questions of the exam paper is certified as unsatisfactory answer.
The examiner must:
- adhere to the schedule of examinations (date, start time of examination, the audience);
- when visiting exam (test) by any person, other than the rector, vice rector or dean (deputy), invite her to get a permit;
- conduct exam (test) only using control tasks, which are approved (for more objective evaluation of the student preparation to the test, interpreter is entitled to ask additional questions within the curriculum);
- when testing orally, declare the assessment mark for exam immediately after the students’full answer and put it in the record paper and student academic record;
- in writing test, declare assessment mark for the exam no later than the following day.
3.4. Making the results of semester control
Results of semester control are put to the record paper and student academic record statement by the teacher, and by dean and workers - in the logbook of student achievement and student learning card. In student academic record teacher records the total number of training hours (classroom and self-study) from discipline of educational material that is submitted for semester control and positive mark.
In statements to the names of the particular student teacher makes the following entries:
a) "was not" - if the student was admitted to passing semester control, but did not appear on it;
b) "Not allowed" - if the student was not allowed to pass because of the failure of semester control at all types of work (laboratory work and certain individual tasks), stated in a study curriculum in this semester;
c) "eliminated" - in violation of the student established internal regulations or ethical standards for examination;
d) "Excellent", "Good", "Satisfactory", "Unsatisfactory", "Accepted", "not enrolled" - depending on the outcome of semester control assembly (recording "Poor" and "not enrolled" in the student gradebook are not made) .
Roll-examination is filled completely, signed and personally delivered by the teacher to the dean on the day of the exam (test) or the next day.
A student who did not attend the examination without a valid reason or was removed from the exam (test) is deemed to have used the appropriate certification attempt on a particular subject.
To retake exams (tests) dean's office prepares additional examination-scoring roll / sheet.
Test-examination sheets (additional information) for students to retake issued only after the examination session and returned to the dean's teacher.
When taking examinations (tests) commission-exam scoring sheet is signed by all committee members. Terms for teacher to return the roll is determined by Dean.
Written examination of students are kept at the department during the school year and then get destroyed.
4. State certification
4.1. General Information
The purpose of state certification of the student is to determine the actual compliance with its training requirements of educational qualification characteristics. State certification is carried out by the state examination commission (SEC) after completion of training at certain educational qualification level. SEC evaluates the level of scientific and theoretical and practical training of graduates, on the need to get certain educational level, assigning appropriate qualifications and issuance of the document on higher education.
State certification is conducted in the form of protection of the degree project (work) or (and) drafting of state examinations in accordance with the relevant educational and professional program.
Requirements for the content of diploma projects (works) and paper program with state examinations graduating department determines the requirements of educational qualification characteristics (EQC), recommendations methodical council of university, scientific-methodical commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the relevant field of study.
Students who have successfully completed all requirements of the curriculum of the specialty relevant educational qualification level and have no academic debt are allowed to state certification.
4.2. Preparation for state certification
Implementation of graduation projects (works), preparing for state examinations is the final stage of training students in appropriate training program aims at systematization, consolidation and expansion of theoretical knowledge, skills, determination ability of their practical application in solving professional tasks provided for primary posts accordance with the EQC.
Topics graduation projects (works) annually developed and discussed in the graduating department considered by the Academic Council of the Faculty (Institute) and approved by the dean (director of the institute).
Students are given the right to choose the theme of the degree project (work) from the list of specified graduating department and to offer a rationale of its development.
Preparation diploma projects (works) is conducted by students in the school or in enterprises and organizations interested in this work. At the place of execution of the degree project (work), the student is given workplace and the equipment necessary for the project (work) experiment and others.
To protect degree projects (works) allowed students who have completed work on it received positive withdrawal leader (supervisor) review and visa department head on admission to defense.
If the manager (supervisor) or head of the department do not consider it possible to allow the student to protection, it is discussed at a meeting involving the department head. Minutes of the meeting of the Department filed Dean (Institute Director).
Lists of students admitted to state certification, approved by the dean (director of the institute) and served in the SEC.
4.3. State certification
Preparation of the state examinations and defense of graduation projects (works) is held in a public hearing on the SEC involving at least half of the committee members at obligatory presence of the Commissioner.
The work of the state commission is being held within the time schedule provided for educational process. Schedule of meetings of the state commission agreed with the chairman of the commission approved the first vice-rector upon submission Dean (Institute Director) and communicated to the public not later than one month before the defense of diploma project (work) or (and) drafting of state examinations.
At a meeting of the SEC can plan protections: graduation projects (works) Bachelor of not more than 10; graduation projects (works) Specialist maximum 7; Master diploma no more than 5. In oral exam of state at a meeting of the SEC conducted certification of no more than 15 students. Duration of state examinations and defense of final works should not exceed 6 hours a day.
In diploma projects (works) are planned to protect the SEC at the meeting, the state commission Dean filed the following documents:
- Summary of the implementation of the curriculum and the students received their grades in theoretical subjects, course projects and activities, as well as undergraduate practice. If there are several semester exam marks from one discipline to the entered final summary data (average relative mark, due to the semester hours of study subjects) assessment with rounding to the nearest integer value;
- student academic record;
- withdrawal leader (supervisor);
- review of the project (paper);
- Other materials that indicate the scientific and practical value of work - published articles on the project (work), patent documents, documents that point to the practical application of project (work), models, samples of materials, products and more.
Defense of projects can be carried out both at the university and in enterprises, institutions and organizations for which the subject projects (work), protected by a scientific theoretical or practical interest.
State exam is conducted as a comprehensive test for students' knowledge on control papers (control tasks) drawn up in full compliance with state certification program.
Results drafting of state examinations and defense of the degree project (work) determined estimated as "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory". The decision of the state commission on evaluation of training students as well as the assignment of graduate students training and issuance of public documents on higher education the state commission adopted at a closed meeting open vote by simple majority of the committee members who participated in the meeting. With the same number of votes, the chairman is decisive.
A student who successfully passed state exams, defended the diploma project (work), the decision of the state commission assigned to qualified and issued a state document on education.
The document on higher education with honors issued to a student who received final "excellent" at least with 75 % of all disciplines and individual tasks provided in the curriculum for the entire period of study (bachelor, specialist or bachelor bachelor-master), and other training courses and course projects (works) and practices - evaluation "good" and defended his thesis project and (or) passed state exams with grades "excellent".
Results of defense of degree projects (works) and state examinations are announced on the day of their execution after the minutes of the State Commission.
Getting a student unsatisfactory mark on one of the state examinations does not preclude his right to continue to take the following steps state certification.
A student who has not defended the project (paper) or passed state exams, or does not appear to protect (state exam) without valid reason, deducted from the higher educational institution as having fulfilled the curriculum, but has not passed the state certification.
Students who have not defended the project (paper) or made a good state exam, documented reasons rector can be postponed term protection of the degree project (work) or passing the state exam to the next state certification, but not more than one calendar year.
If the student has not defended the project (paper), the state commission determines whether it can re-protect the same degree project (work) or he is required to prepare a new one. Repeated protection and re-drafting of state examinations permitted only at the next state certification within three years after the institution of higher education. The list of state examinations for people who make their re-determined curriculum in effect in the year ending them higher education institution.
5. Transfer, deductions and students renovation
5.1. Transfer to the next course and expel students
Students who have fully complied with the requirements of a particular course curriculum, successfully passed all examinations and tests by the order of the dean (director of the Institute) are transferred for the next training course within the relevant training programs (Bachelor and Master). In the student's record book, student record is "transferred to ___ course. Order number of __________ ____ ", which is confirmed by the signature of the dean (director) and the seal of the faculty (institute). The corresponding order issued before the new school year.
In cases of prolonged illness during test-exams with the relevant documents some students can be set individual schedule exams before the new test-exams within current school year. If this period is not sufficient for the individual schedule, the issue of granting academic leave or re-training.
Academic leave - a break in study, the right to which the student receives in the event of reduced efficiency due to disorders of the body, caused by acute illness and require a long recovery period of treatment of chronic disease or frequent infections (more than one month per semester), anatomical defects, which makes it difficult to conduct restorative treatment during the study.
The maximum duration of academic leave is set to one year. If necessary, length academic leave can be extended for another year.
Academic leave for medical reasons is provided to students on the advice of a medical advisory committee (MCC) of student clinic. Providing academic holiday issued appropriate order indicating the reason for leave and its term. Over the entire period of study students may get the right to receive academic leave, generally once.
Maternity leave, leave to care for a child up to the age of 3 years, and when the child is sick and needs home care - until the child is 6 years old, are in accordance with the Code of Ukraine on labor.
Re-learning - a repeated study process by workable student (who has no right to receive academic leave for medical reasons) training course for a semester curriculum which the student has not complied in full with good reason: after long illness related, in particular, epidemics, frequent disease (more than one month per semester); business trips; difficult family circumstances, including the need to care for family members and others.
First-year students can not use the right to re-education. Over the entire period of study a student can take advantage of the right to re-passing the training course at most two times.
The question of providing students with the right to re-training is seen before the relevant semester and issued the relevant order. Repeated studies carried out since the beginning of the semester, the curriculum which the student is not fulfilled.
Students who left to re-training may have some discipline re-marked, from which the results of the final control they were positive. Student, who was provided with re-enrollment, have to eliminate academic difference if it was the result of changes in the curriculum, before the next session.
Student can be deducted from the University:
- voluntarily;
- in connection with the transfer to another university;
- if he did not come to University for 10 days after the start of classes and is not notified about the presence dean good reason for this;
- non-admission to semester control (tests and exams) with three or more disciplines;
- for academic failure:
a) in the case of a semester control and three or more unsatisfactory evaluations;
b) in the case of a poor evaluation from one subject after three attempts at the exam (test);
c) if the student has not eliminated academic debt within the prescribed period;
- for gross violation of internal regulations "KPI";
- implementation of an immoral act which is inconsistent with the continuation of studies in the student team;
- for breach of contract, including in terms of tuition, a student who is learning on the basis of agreements with legal entities or individuals with complete reimbursement.
If you receive unsatisfactory evaluations in the state certification deducted from university students as having completed the theoretical training for appropriate training program.
Contributions students conducted by order of the Rector on the proposal of the dean (director).
Individuals expelled from the university after closing the bypass sheet issued academic certificate prescribed form and original documents of previous education.
Information on the subjects studied and compiled tests and exams made to academic transcripts for each semester separately. For all forms of education to the academic certificate in the "Hours for curriculum" put the number of hours stipulated by the curriculum for full-time study. If a student has previously studied at another institution in the academic certificate shall contain the names of institutions that were scheduled exams in certain subjects.
To academic paper subjects, of which the student received unsatisfactory mark are not stated. Students who dropped out in the first year and did not make examinations and tests, issued a certificate of academic record, student tests and examinations are not made.
5.2. Transfer students and renovation
Students can be translated from:
- one university to another;
- a field of study in another direction of within one area of expertise;
- one specialty to another specialty within the same field of study.
Transfer students in the first year is prohibited. Transfer students enrolled in educational levels and specialist degree from one specialty to another is not allowed. Transfer from one institution to another, or from one form to another study of students enrolled in the Specialist and Master levels, possible only if the transfer to the same specialty, which carried out their training.
Transfer students to "KPI" other educational institution II-IV accreditation levels, regardless of the form of training is carried out with the consent of Rectors of both educational institutions and subject to availability of seats licensed volume. A student who wants to transfer to another educational institution submits to the rector of the institution in which he taught the application of the transfer and, having received his written consent, this statement refers to the rector of the educational institution to which he wishes to transfer. With the positive consideration of the application and provided academic eliminate differences Rector issues an order according to which the student is admitted to the classes, and the educational institution in which the student studied before, directing a request by mail to obtain personal file. The personal file of the student who transferred to another school in the week sent to the second educational institution. In the school where the student studied are still copies of academic certificates, academic student card, test book and list forwarded documents. The procedure for saving these documents is the same as the personal files of students. Order rector of student enrollment is issued after receipt of the personal file of the student.
Persons trained by the state budget, while enjoying priority right to transfer and update of public order, subject to availability of seats. In the absence of vacant state budget places above persons with their consent may be transferred or renewed for training payment from other sources.
Individuals enrolled in the public education institution under the contract, can be transferred to education on the same terms to other state educational institutions. Such transfer may be made subject to availability of seats licensed volume and consent of customers that finance training. The transfer of such persons in vacant places of public procurement can be carried out on a competitive basis and subject to the consent of customers.
When the existence of two or trilateral agreements (contracts) to train professionals to transfer students from one field of study to another, from one form of training or specialty to another, from one educational institution to another shall be subject to appropriate amendments to these agreements and compliance applicable law.
Persons enrolled in an accredited non-governmental educational institutions can be transferred to public schools under the conditions provided for persons enrolled in the State under the contract and the competition for vacant seats on the state order.
Students studying in non-accredited non-government educational institutions have no right to transfer to public educational institutions.
Transferring students from one field of study to another, or one specialty to another Bachelor or from one form to another study within the university permitted the presence of seats the contest rankings integrated students.
When creating educational facilities at the Faculty of accredited professions "University College (College)" and agreed on the organization of training curriculum, according to the provisions of the agreement may provide a mechanism for mutual transfer the courses to complete education on a competitive basis for the integrated ratings of students.
Renewal of expelled students to study performed by the Rector, regardless of the duration of the break in training, the causes of deductions, employment, training and forms considering the applicant's ability to successfully execute the schedule of the educational process.
Resuming the first course prohibited. Students who attended a theoretical course in the first year and have been deducted from the first year, may be renewed for a second course subject to eliminate them before the academic distinction of classes.
Students expelled from the University, may be renewed for training in educational institutions and II levels of accreditation.
Application for renewal or transfer must be considered within two months, and the applicant notified enrollment conditions or the reason for refusal.
Transfer students and students renovation consisting of persons who have been expelled from schools, carried out during the holidays (during the summer holidays - on submission of the selection committee of university).
For students, the university changed or transferred from another educational institution, issued Academic record bear restated of academic subjects and corresponding grades. Re-stated results previously stacked student tests and examinations carried dean (director) provided identical names, the amount of discipline and forms the final control. In other cases, the question of perezarahuvannya results of tests and examinations decided by relevant departments subject to compliance with program requirements in these disciplines.
The elimination of academic distinction is usually carried out before the training sessions. If necessary, the dean (director) may determine individual student academic schedule eliminate differences before the next session.
* A student who chose independent study discipline, is drawn to the appropriate department for attachment to the curator discipline, order and schedule coordination laboratory works, course projects (works), homework, other activities and semester control.
* A student who has missed for valid reasons training sessions that require mandatory testing (laboratory work etc.) should meet them in specially set for the time specified in the order department.
** While having difficulties to appear University of good reasons, mention it not later than the next day and inform the dean and within three days after the classes to submit supporting documents .
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