"Do you believe in Santa Claus? " - I asked the nice girl standing nearby in a queue in office of Nova poshta. It held a pretty color bag, on a place of the return address was written "From Santa Claus". "It is worse, - she smiled. - I play it". Also I told about Live Journal community http://skoro-novyj-rik.livejournal.com, which since 2007 unite the users of a Ukrainian-speaking segment of Live Journal, Facebook, etc. here people do not only trust in the fairy tale, here it is created for absolutely strangers.
In October - November registration wishing to present a holiday proceeds. Then there is secret lots, and each participant receives the status of the Secret Claus and receives the link to Live Journal of the person which to welcome. Also there comes a stage of creativity, inspiration and original approach: you should study records of the ward in social networks, define his preferences and pick up a present which would correspond to its inquiries better. Further, Elena (Ukrposhta or other operator) carry this gift to the recipient. It is clear that Santa also someone's ward. After receiving everyone has to report on community pages. And it is pleasant to read sincere words of gratitude.
"At first it seemed that an exchange of gifts with strangers is a usual toy. As the acquaintance told, an exchange of one rubbish for another, - the girl continued. - No. This exchange accompanies such squall of emotions that it is impossible to transfer: at first you check number of laid on Nova poshta, and your gift didn't take away yet. In some hours you check again and it is here, departure is received! And from it you have warm and joyful feelings and you have a hope that your knickknacks will please. When I sent the parcel at the first time, I stayed all evening in expectation of comments from the recipient and refreshed the community page. But it is pleasant, warm expectations. And if the gift also became an inspiration source, you will be in the seventh heaven".
"But it only half-affairs, - in a minute the interlocutor continued. - For you other mysterious Santa Claus prepared a surprise too. And expectations. And sincere surprise. And good mood. And desire to love all not indifferent and creative people". On a question that most of all struck her in the gifts received earlier, she told about big, bank of candies with an inscription of "The Happiness Drugs", and to everyone candy the leaf with recommendations is attached: the new idea, mood, for herself dear, during bad weather, removes a stress, smile, on health, for friendly tea drinking and others. That sufficed "happiness" for a long time. As well as good mood.