The International Conference at the Faculty of Linguistics

On the 13-14 of March at the Faculty of Linguistics of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" was held IX International research and practice conference on "Modern Approaches and Innovations in foreign languages teaching".

Modern and upgrading variation in Ukraine and in the world

З метою з'ясування, по-перше, що являє собою модерне суспільство, а по-друге, проблем, напрямів та перспектив модернізації українського соціуму кафедрою соціології ФСП НТУУ "КПІ" 28–29 листопада 2013 р.

Consideration of Social and Ecologic Problems

On October 13, 2013 a conference for the 1-2 year students was held by the Department of Technical English (DTE) №1 on the subject of “Social and Ecologic Problems of the Modern World and the Conception of Steady Development of Ukraine in It” in the lecture room 101 of the 7-th building of our u

Methodology implementation experience of resource efficient and purer manufacture was discussed in NTUU 'KPI'

The main purpose of the conference 'The methodology implementation experience of the of enterprises’ resource efficient and purer manufacture situated in Kyiv region' was the results discussion of enterprises’ and organizations’ activity in the Kyiv region within the frame of implementation the resource efficient and purer manufacture project under the direction of UN, namely UNIDO. UNIDO also initiates involving of new enterprises in this project. The host of the conference was The Resource Efficient and Purer Manufacture Centre (REPMC) established within the frame of this project with the purpose of servicing and organizational supporting the measures aiming to reduce resource consumption by the Ukrainian enterprises and increase competitive advantage.

New Horizons of Algeria

Last year's visit of our university's deligation to the Algerian National Democratic Republic, during which the agreement on cooperation was signed, was the beginning of business contacts between our University and the University of Saad Dahlab, Blida.

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