Global dimensions of scientific publications

In modern globalized world through the use of advanced telecommunications and information technologies are important problems timely exchange of information on scientific achievements regardless of their locations. These problems are not only technical, but also organizational, verbal, financial and other aspects. The need to solve them is obvious, because it depends on the success of social development in many areas, including during preparation and appraisal of scientific personnel.

Professor Hiroshi Matsumoto delivered а lecturer at NTUU”KPI”

On October 16, 2012 the president of the University of Kyoto (Japan), Professor Hiroshi Matsumoto with the assistance of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan in Ukraine Y.E.Mr. Toichi Sakata delivered а lecturer at NTUU”KPI”. The subject of the lecture was «Two paradoxes in Science and Economic Growth. Are we Heading in the Right Direction?»

How can a first-year student become an inventor?

The author of a new model of the innovation process, known as "triple helix" (university – business sector – an innovative development of the country), a professor of Stanford University and enterprise research centre of Business school of Edinburgh University, Henry Inkovits, regards the univers

KPI nanosatellite development

Today most of large higher educational establishments in the world have university small-size space craft (SC) – nanosatellite creation programs. Creation of nanosatellites is a promising area of youth involvement with space subject.

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