On September 23 this year an old friend of our University Mr. Janusz Fuksa was 80. Considering the outstanding scientific achievements and significant contribution to the cooperation of the Kyiv Technical Institute Students Section in Poland with NTUU"KPI", on September 1, 2014 the Academic Council of the University made Janusz Fuksa the "Honorary Doctor of" KPI".

Mr. Janusz Fuksa graduated from KPI in 1959. Since February 1974 he headed the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute students Section in Poland Institute, which includes more than 300 people. It organizes seminars, meetings, trips to KPI for students from Poland annually. Section always deals with qualification training for Polish graduates by studying in KPI, master's and doctoral theses, internships. It was used by four doctors, 75 graduates had internships at home university in 80s.

Section annually rewards the merits of the KPI faculty engineering lecturers. Since 1975, employees of KPI got 130 golden rewards of the Chief Technical Organization in Warsaw.

On October 6, 2012 Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Section in Poland was 90 years, and it continues to help the nations of Ukraine and Poland be closer. With the help of the Sections the agreements between KPI and Wroclaw University departments on scientific cooperation were renewed, as was the exchange of trainees and young employees.

Dr. Janusz Fuksa continues to work and shares experiences with Ukrainian and Polish students. Every year he visits Alma Mater. On September 1, 2015, he had a speech to KPI freshmen and warmly greeted the young generation. Mr. Janusz cooperates with the newspaper of NTUU"KPI" "Kyiv Polytechnic ".

"Kyiv is my second hometown so I am always happy to come here. NTUU"KPI" is a special university, and the atmosphere is special. Poland is glad to have such contacts with the university. I am sure that every year they will intensify and reach a new, higher level "- always says Mr Fuksa.

Dr. Janusz has also made a particular contribution to the development of scientific and educational cooperation between Ukraine and Poland. On the Section site a virtual journey around KPI provides information on achievements and present life of university, literary competitions are held and the "Memories of Kyiv" is created, which deals with Polish alumni connections to KPI, Kyiv and Ukraine. Mr Fuksa made an effort to open a monument to the famous Polish chemist and physist Professor Wojciech Svyentoslavskii that graduated from KPI in 1906.

We wish Dr. Janusz Fuksa good health, longevity, success and inspiration for cooperation plans between NTUU"KPI" and Section of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute graduates in Poland!

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