KPI students are among the winners of I-FEST² 2024

The international competition in engineering, science and technology I-FEST² 2024 brought together more than 500 scientific and engineering projects from almost 40 countries, competing in eight categories.

Among the winners:

New embedded systems laboratory at RTF

On December 12, the staff of the Faculty of Radio Engineering of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute together with the specialists of SQUAD opened a new laboratory of embedded systems.

New laboratory at RTF - Datacom

The laboratory is designed to improve students' practical skills in the basics of telecommunications and networking. It is equipped with projectors, switches, routers, and access point controllers.

KPI graduate Yuriy Lyubovytskyi died

Yuriy graduated from the Faculty of Radio Engineering of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

"We remember him as sincere, always smiling, ready to help everyone. He was a real father and an example of manhood and patriotism for his children," his family says about Yuriy.

Meeting of the expert qualification commission of KPI

The meeting considered the appointment of professors, taking into account the recommendations of the Academic Council to determine the timing of contracts with the teaching staff, the results of the survey of students and the fulfillment of the terms of previous contracts.

The Faculty of Radio Engineering has a holiday!

The whole Polytechnic knows about the Faculty Day, or "RADIO Day". RTF is one of the strongest and largest families at the university!

This year, it was harder to organize the celebration, but students and graduates were still able to get together, relax and share their experiences.

Professor Yurii Franzovych Zinkovskyi is 90!

On March 17, Yuriy Franzovych Zinkovskyi, a prominent Ukrainian scientist, educator, educational organizer, professor, doctor of technical sciences, academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, and winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, turned 9

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