Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. Way to science

November 19 - the birthday of M.V.Lomonosov - a man who is rightly called the founder of the science and higher education in Russia, one of the founders of modern Russian language and poetry.

Berezhkov Valentyn Mykhailovych. Twists of fate

By the will of the circumstances, he was a member of many historic meetings and negotiations at the highest level when determining the fate of Europe and the world, participated in the preparation and signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (also known as the Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact - an intergo

Yangel Mikhail. Creator of nuclear missile shield

Michael Yangel was born October 25, 1911 in the village Zyryanova Nyzhnoilimskyy district of Irkutsk region in a large family. His parents - Kuzma Lavrentiyovych and Anna Pavlovna - had 12 children. Michael was the sixth child.

Giorgio Vasari the chronicler of the Renaissance

500 years ago in the small Tuscan town of Arezzo it was born Giorgio Vasari - author of the famous "Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects." This book is destined to live long, and perhaps eternal life, because until mankind will live, it will remain one of the main sources of information on prominent figures of the Renaissance. It should be noted that it was Vasari who coined the term "Renaissance" ("Rinascita").

Pavlo Platonovich Chubynsky

Pavlo P. Chubynsky (born 15 [27] .01.1839, countryside near Boryspil – died 17 (29) .01.1884, Kiev) - famous ethnographer, poet and journalist, a lawyer, an active leader of the Ukrainian national movement in Right-Bank Ukraine. Pavlo Chubinsky came from Ukrainian gentry.

Meeting with the legendary cosmonaut Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko

An unforgettable encounter with the living legend of the Soviet space program was held at the NTUU"KPI" on May 13. The cosmonaut Georgy Grechko visited Kiev Polytechnic Institute. He participated in the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, three times  flew into space.

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