Budget outturn in 2017

University budget for 2017 in the amount of 1332.0 million USD was executed at 103.5%, whereby revenue plan of the general fund is realized to 100%, and plan for special fund revenue – to 116.5%. Compared to 2016, the budget increased to UAH 311.5 million, or by 29.2%.

Science and Innovation in 2017

2017 became the year of further implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Scientific, Scientific and Technical Activity" for science of Ukraine.

Support and development of the material and technical base of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Report of the pro-rector P. Kovalev on administrative and economica work in 2017 and the main tasks for 2018

The main task of the department is the administrative and economic work of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is to maintain the material and technical base of the university in a proper operational condition to provide the necessary conditions for educational and scientific activities for students and university staff.

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