Mathematical training of an engineer, ways to improve it

A graduate of modern higher technical educational institution must have a high level of professional knowledge as well as knowledge and skills of science subjects cycle, and especially math. Improving the training of specialists is impossible without improving their mathematical training.

Distance education: confusion or help for teacher?

Distance learning is a modern and promising form of providing educational services, which successfully operates in NTUU "KPI". Efficiently created online courses simplify the learning process of the relevant disciplines and provide the individual nature of disciplines.

Is the physics important for the engineer?

These thoughts are inspired by the new academic year, which is for all of us - those who are working and studying at the famous KPI - the anniversary. In this year we are meeting with the first generation of students born and raised in the independent Ukraine and came into our home university and dream of becoming a truly modern engineers.

The"copy-paste" - plagiarism!

In the issue "KP" on September 22, an article "Do we stop copy-paste?" was published. Responding to the invitation to discuss the wording of article, I want to express some thoughts about it.

Foreign colleagues: MIT

"KPI" is one of the largest technical universities in Europe which operates as a research type university. Sometimes KPI is compared by value with the famous American educational institution - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). So what about this Institute?

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