Honoring the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War

November 6, 2013 at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” was celebrated the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the capital of Ukraine - city of Kyiv from Nazi occupation. Students, teachers and workers of the KPI were laying flowers at the monument to those who died during the war, and honoring the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 with a moment of silence. The event was attended by representatives of the leadership of the university and its trade union organizations, faculty, staff and students.

Dear liberators, dear WWII veterans!

Many years have passed since the memorable May,1945. However, today the great feat of defenders and liberators remains an inexhaustible source of patriotism, that faithfully service to his people.

Celebrations on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory.

On the 7th of May at NTUU "KPI" was held a solemn meeting on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The participants of the Great Patriotic War - Kyiv Polytechnic Institute veterans - were gathered in the hall of the Academic Council; there they were warmly welcomed by the first pro-rector of NTUU "KPI", academic NAS of Ukraine Yuriy Yakymenko, a chairman of the trade union of the university employees Vitaliy Molchanov, a veteran of the World War II and long-term employee of the university Mykola Trykhlib, the head of the NGO "KPI Veteran" Yuriy Nesterenko and a cadet of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information of NTUU "KPI", a senior soldier Julia Popravko.

The Price of the Great Victory: Ukrainian Dimension

Every state has some dates which signify remarkable events. May 9, the Victory Day, is such a date for Ukraine.

Every year, as May begins, the activity of governmental and non-governmental institutions increases: at different levels of public administration more attention is drawn to the participants in the Great Patriotic War, battle-front veterans and children of war. The reasons why the war was unleashed, nations' and states' participation and contribution to the Victory, its effects on the further development of the society are still being discussed by journalists, politicians and scholars specializing on the war. Films and series about the war are shown on TV.

Two fates. Search History Archives

Among the memorable and significant dates of our people is one, that cannot revoke the decree, or delete from memory, you cannot forget to jam current existence. This is 9 May , Victory Day.

The main symbol of Great Victory

The mention of the Great Patriotic War for every person causes his/her own associations. For someone it is destroyed cities and burned villages, for others − a constant hunger and deprivation or − the loss of loved ones. But there are associations that are common to all, regardless of age.

Horlytskyy Lev Izrailevich. Creator of victory’s weapons

Modern war - it's not just war of tanks, aircraft, manpower, this along with everything else, as well war of scientific laboratories.

Academic I.V. Kurchatov

Lev Izrailevich Horlytskyy is the earliest explorer of a new kind of weapon - self-propelled guns (SPG). He is the chief designer of SPG: SU-122, SU-85, SU-100, which were taken up in 1942-1944 and have proven to be very effective fighting machine.

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