Unique Ukrainian Specialists in Nuclear Energy Industry

On February 12, 2021, the first masters of the Faculty of Heat and Power Engineering of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute under the study programme “Physical Protection and Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials” in the specialty 143 “Atomic Energy” got their diplomas.

Protection of nuclear safety

Ukraine belongs to the few countries with a large-scale program of atomic energy usage for peaceful purposes. Therefore, the implementation of measures for safe operation of nuclear plants, protection of population and environment is one of the main directions of state policy.

Atomic Energy of Ukraine - visually

December 29, representatives of the State Enterprise National Nuclear Energy Generating Company "NNEGC" Enerogatom "passed NTUU "KPI" mobile exposition devoted to nuclear energy in Ukraine.

TPD students at the Conference in USA

Representatives of the Department of nuclear power plants and engineering thermophysics (NPP and ET) of NTUU "KPI" thermal power department took part in one of the most prestigious international conferences on nuclear safety, held on July 30-August 3 in Anaheim (California, USA).

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