First All-Ukrainian blended learning conference

Representatives of more than 60 Ukrainian higher educational establishments took part in first All-Ukrainian conference “Digital communications in global space. Blended learning” that took place in January, 27 in Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Students conference on environmental issues on FL

At the 16 of November, 2016 in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute the Student Scientific Conference  on the theme "Environmental issues and modern ways to address them in Ukraine and the world" was held, organized by the Department of English technical direction №1.

The conference of science and technology history

On September 29-30, 2016 in the State Polytechnic Museum at NTUU "KPI after Igor Sikorsky" was the XV Ukrainian national scientific conference on the subject "Topical issues of science and technology history".

Final conference of the project «UKRAINE»

On 21st September in NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute”, the conference of “Ukraine Distribution in technology, knowledge and innovation based on the use of EGNSS system” took place. It was the final conference of the project “UKRAINE”. There was summed up the work of consortium under the project that have been started in January 2015. Consortium was consisted of nine organizations from six European countries.

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