Students of KPI are on the First National TV Channel

The beginning of spring some students of KPI met in creative studio "UA: FIRST" or on the First National TV Channel of Ukraine! Master classes in rhetoric and Urban Studies were held by Ph.D., assistant professor of philosophy Maryna Petrivna Prepotenska in the program "Public University".

The platform for innovative services

Finalists and winners of the festival "Sikorsky Challenge 2015" among the other began the project "Campus 2.0" - platform for realization innovative services based on the integration of new hardware, software services, digital multimedia content with elements of augmented reality.

The historical experience of Finland to Ukraine

December 6, 2015 Republic of Finland celebrated the 98th anniversary of independence. On this occasion, department of history the faculty of Sociology and Law in cooperation with the company "Ukraine-Finland" organized on December 11 and had a history student seminar.

At the meeting of the Academic Council of NTUU "KPI": 07.12.2015

The first issue on the agenda was information on the adoption of the rules of admission to the university in 2016. First Vice Rector Yu.I.Yakymenko reported for the first time covered Ph.D. level and last time carried out a set on educational qualification level of higher education - specialist.

Olympiad of mechanotronics in engineering 2015

In 17-21 of  November, 2015 VII All ­ Ukrainian Olympiad "Mechanotronics in engineering" was held at our university. The competition was attended by representatives of the National Aerospace University, the N. Ye.

Valuable gift from company KraftPowercon

A world leading power supply manufacturer KraftPowercon is a global company with production facilities in Sweden . This company was made a donation of the department of the technology electrochemical production ( TEHV) HTF the rectifiers Flex Kraft.

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