VII Olympiad "TEK'2014"

On November 20-th, 2014 the VII Olympiad on circuit theory was held. It has been organized by the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics of the Faculty of Electronics and is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Vitaly Petrovich Sigorsky, a prominent scientist and educator.

Students FE practice in Germany

From October 11 to October 24, a group of students of the Faculty of Electronics (Departments of microelectronics, electronic appliances and devices) was at the Dresden Technical University (Germany) on educational and technological practice (under the Agreement on a double diploma between NTUU"K

Students FASS practice in Poland

In July 2014 FASS best students, selected by indexes rating, in cooperation with the Faculty mechanic, energy and aviation Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw Polytechnics) were on study industrial practices in Poland. It took place in several cities.

World Data Center began the distance learning

The first group of students, who are employees of public authorities, starts training in the field of geoinformation technologies. This training is carried out on the basis of the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development.

Ukrainian Mathematical Olympiad

From 16 to 18 September, the final round of the Ukrainian Mathematical Olympiad among technical universities was held in Sumy, on the basis of Sumy State University (SSU).

Summer. Germany. Industrial practice.

This year a group of six students of the Joint Ukrainian-German Faculty of  Institute of Mechanical Engineering, went to a monthly internship at the University of Magdeburg Otto-von-Guericke (Germany).

Opening of the Samsung Smart Class

12 September, the solemn opening of the «Samsung Smart Class», which the company «Samsung Electronics Ukraine" equipped in NTUU"KPI" within the national educational program «Samsung Developers' Academy» with the support of the Center for Scientific research development (R & D) company «Sa

Oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people

September 6, 2014, a solemn ritual of taking  the Oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people  by the students of the 2nd year of the Institute of Special Communication and Information Security of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (hereinafter - the In

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