Meeting with Yuriy Kostenko
April 14 prominent politician and public figure, deputy of Ukraine of several convocations, Minister of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine in 1992 – 1998 years, scientist Yuriy Kostenko read for students of power specialties of KPI lecture on "History of Ukraine of nuclear disarmament."
NTUU ‘KPI’ joins the British Council Project in Ukraine – ‘English for universities’
It is known that from the 1st of September NTUU ‘KPI’ will shift to the 100% teaching of foreign students in English. Moreover, substantially high level of English would be demanded from Ukrainian students who are to enter the KPI Master’s – according to the B1 criterion standards and B2 for masters entering Postgraduate.
Meeting the Zone of economic and technological development representatives, Linyi, (PRC)
On April 2nd the NTUU ‘KPI’ authorities, Scientific Part ‘Kyiv Politekhnika’ employees, and the representatives of enterprises comprised of the Innovative and manufacturing platform ‘Kyiv Politekhnika Union’ met the quests from the Zone of economic and technological development of Linyi, Shandong Province (PRC) at NTUU ‘KPI’.