Ukrainian Festival of Innovative Projects

On November 15, 2012 leaders of NTUU "KPI" and Science Park "Kyiv Polytechnic” held a meeting with representatives of the Embassy of the United States of America in Ukraine Mr. Eric A. Johnson, Counselor for Public Affairs, and Ms. Vera Ternovska, an Academic Affairs Specialist.

Information systems for Ohmatdyt

Recently was received a letter which addressed to rector of  KPI M. Zgurovsky from the National Children's Specialized Hospital "OHMATDET" Ministry of Health of Ukraine, where doctors praised the work on improving the technical, information and software made for them by experts KPI .

TPD students at the Conference in USA

Representatives of the Department of nuclear power plants and engineering thermophysics (NPP and ET) of NTUU "KPI" thermal power department took part in one of the most prestigious international conferences on nuclear safety, held on July 30-August 3 in Anaheim (California, USA).

From scientific idea to copyright

Modern science makes good use of pseudorandom number generator in various applications from Monte Carlo and Simulation modeling to cryptography. Essentially pseudorandom number generator drawing computers using recursive algorithms.

Science for Business

On February 10, 2012 in the hall of the Administrative Council of our University was held a joint roundtable meeting of the Ukrainian Scientific-Technological Center (USTC) and NTUU "KPI", dedicated to the beginning of a new USTC program of the U.S.

How can a first-year student become an inventor?

The author of a new model of the innovation process, known as "triple helix" (university – business sector – an innovative development of the country), a professor of Stanford University and enterprise research centre of Business school of Edinburgh University, Henry Inkovits, regards the univers

Interuniversity Scientific and Methodological Seminar

On December 23, the NTUU "KPI" hosted the Fourth Interuniversity Scientific and Methodological Seminar "Current Problems of Teaching History of Ukraine and the History of Ukrainian Culture at Higher Education Institutions"

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