Embroidery by Oksana Harmash

Art contests-exhibits KPI Talents discovered new names every year. After all, there are many masters of painting, craftsmen of applied arts, and talented needlewomen in the team of thousands of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Professor Vitalii Didkovskyi Shares His Life and Experience

Vitalii Semenovych Didkovskyi is one of our teachers and scientists, whose whole working life cannot be separated from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. He was an entrant at the University back in 1965 and remained here to work after graduating from the institute in 1971.

A unique remote monitoring of soils is being developed at XTF

Наукова тематика, за якою Т.А.Донцова працює на кафедрі, досить різноманітна. Це, зокрема, синтез наноматеріалів на основі оксидів титану, стануму, цирконію, феруму, цинку  та їх використання у водоочищенні, сенсориці та каталізі.

Distance courses require careful and meticulous creation

Про особливості навчання в період карантину розмовляємо з Сергієм Яковлєвим, доцентом кафедри математичних методів захисту інформації ФТІ.

The friction assemblies will last longer

Modern high-tech industries such as aircraft manufacturing, space industry, automotive industry, military industrial complex and others, have led to the demand for laminated metal and metal-ceramic materials capable of operating effectively under rather harsh conditions.

My mission is to inspire

Victoria Popova is the coordinator of the Techno Ukraine competition and other projects. She also accompanies her mentees at foreign (final) stages of international competitions, proudly representing Ukrainian talented youth to the world.

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