Engineering and Computer Graphics Competition

On 21-22nd 2013 at Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics Department of Physical and mathematical Faculty took place General University Contest for students. Branch of learning is “Engineering and Computer Graphics” and nominations are: “Engineering and Computer Graphics.

Mathematical training of an engineer, ways to improve it

A graduate of modern higher technical educational institution must have a high level of professional knowledge as well as knowledge and skills of science subjects cycle, and especially math. Improving the training of specialists is impossible without improving their mathematical training.

From scientific idea to copyright

Modern science makes good use of pseudorandom number generator in various applications from Monte Carlo and Simulation modeling to cryptography. Essentially pseudorandom number generator drawing computers using recursive algorithms.

Think over! [5]

The tourists left the hotel at 15 o'clock and went to the near mountain. Climbing up the mountain, they immediately (without rest) turned in the opposite direction and at 21 o'clock they already were at the hotel. The tourists left the hotel at 15 o'clock and went the near to the mountains

Bariahtar Viktor Grygorovych

A prominent Ukrainian scientist, one of the founders and the 1st dean of the Physico-mathematical Faculty of NTUU “KPI”, member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences Viktor Grygorovych Bariahtar was born on the 9th of August 1930.

Yaremchuk Fedir Petrovich

Fedir Yaremchuk was born 1920 in the nadsluchansky village Great Molodkov (now the Yarunsky area), Zhitomirshchina, in Peter Maksimovich and Stepanida Korneevna's family. Afterwards, Feodor having grown and having seized the higher mathematics; he became the outstanding scientist - the methodologist in the field of mathematics.

Physics in the XXI century

Changes in the evolution of mankind, are impressive. Just in front of one or two generations, technical and even household landscape of our life has changed dramatically, and these changes are fully based on discoveries in science.

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