Interactive exhibition "Science for a Better Life"

A unique interactive exhibition "Science for a Better Life" was held November 8-9, 2014 at the National Cultural-Art and Museum Complex "Art Arsenal", where the international company "Bayer" presented their original innovations and inventions. The entrance was free.

Meeting with representatives of the KSCA

November 20, a delegation of the Kyiv City State Administration visited NTUU "KPI". It was purely a working visit devoted to discussing ways of effective cooperation of city government and the university scientists.

A car as a gift to fighters ATO

Kiev Polytechnics  actively engaged in volunteer work to help the soldiers involved in the ATO. Volunteer Battalion deploys work under the guidance of prof. S.O.Kudria. Trade union employees  accumulate funds to help the families of soldiers-polytechnics.

KPI nanosatellite in orbit

June 19, 2014 the first Ukrainian nanosatellite PolyITAN-1 was launched in Earth orbit. It was created by scientists, engineers and students FHPE, FRE, FE, ESITS under the guidance of Head of  laboratory of nanosatellite  technology  FHPE, Senior Reshercher, Ph.D.

Kocho Valentyn Stepanovych. In Teacher Memory

The 23rd of December is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Valentyn Stepanovych Kocho – intelligent person, teacher and talented scientist. He was one of the pioneers who conduct the process of the recovery of Ukraine, took part in the industrialization of the country. During the Great Patriotic War he was nobly working in the name of the Victory, made a great contribution to the country’s revival and was one of the inventors of the new branch in national science – automation of production processes of the national economy

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