Scientists of the Institute of Materials Science teach talented students

For many years, the sections “Materials and Additive Technologies” and “Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering”, which are part of the Department of Engineering and Materials Science of the Kyiv Academy of Sciences, have been actively working at the E.O. Paton Educational and Research Institute of Materials Science and Welding of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Summer school on materials microscopy in Germany

For a week, a group of students of the E.O. Paton Institute of Materials Science and Technology, accompanied by Associate Professor of the Department of Welding Production Natalia Strelenko, visited the University of Stuttgart.

Final of the Sikorsky Challenge Junior summer school

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute students have completed an intensive startup course. Among the students are real future innovators.

The participants studied the topics of intellectual property, investment attraction, marketing and business strategies.

Summer school on microscopy of materials

The Institute of Materials Science of the University of Stuttgart (Germany) has research laboratories equipped with unique equipment, including transmission and scanning electron microscopes of ultra-high resolution.

IASA students in summer programming school

Covid summer-2020 restricted a large number of student activities. But Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute representatives Managed to take part in some All-Ukrainian tournaments.

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