From KPI to Norway: how student exchange programs work

How did a KPI student get to study in Norway? Why are Norwegians delighted with the level of training of KPI students? What is the difference between higher education in Ukraine and Norway?

The answers to these questions are in the new issue of the KPI podcast.

FMM student Victoria Derkach about dreams and the present

Ambitious, creative, and hardworking people are usually successful in life and in their professional activities. And the best time to decide on the future, gain initial experience and make a name for yourself is during your student years. And there are many examples of this.

About Olga Linyucheva's life and dream

Sometimes, when talking to experienced scientists, teachers, and engineers, the conversation involuntarily "slips" from the main topic. In this case, it's better not to distract the interlocutor from his thoughts about his work, his experiences, and his plans for the future.

Red Kalyna 2023

Red Kalyna is one of the main initiatives of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Community and the EIT Strategic Regional Innovation Cluster.

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