With unwavering faith and strength of spirit

War and peace intertwined in one exhibition, but with unwavering faith in our Victory - this is how the exhibition opened on May 14 at the Center for Culture and Arts of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute can be described. Or rather, there are two of them: "Faces of Power" by artist Natalia Duka and "Kyiv Motifs" by Asya Kolos. 

Ukrainian-language publications of the 1920s and 1930s in the STL collections

The library also has a certain amount of documents from the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century. There are about 650 copies of such books, which is actually a small number, because during those two decades specially created state and departmental specialized publishing houses published quite a lot of technical literature in Ukrainian.

🎥 International Forum "Ecology and Peace" Issues, participants, decisions

On May 15-16, the International Forum "Ecology and Peace" was held at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. It combined an international scientific and practical conference with the same name and a competition of startup projects and scientific and technical developments in the environmental field as a section of the traditional All-Ukrainian Festival "Sikorsky Challenge", which is scheduled for October 2024.

🎥 The KPI team won the Ukrainian Chess Championship in chess among students!

From May 10 to 12, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute hosted the Ukrainian Chess Championship among university students. This is the first tournament of this level in many years. It was initiated by Kyiv polytechnics and supported by the Ukrainian Chess Federation, the Committee for Physical Education and Sports of the Ministry of Education and Science, and the NGO Kyiv Chess Federation. 

Winners of the contest "KPI Talents" - 2024

he art contest "KPI Talents" - 2024, which was held under the slogan "With spring in the heart - to the Victory", is over. The results have been summarized and the winners have been announced.

🎥 Spring "The World in Ceramics"

An exhibition of ceramics in the traditional Japanese styles of Nunobiki and Raku "The World in Ceramics" was opened at the Ukrainian-Japanese Center of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.  It is worth noting that similar exhibitions have already been held there.

KPI climbers are on top again!

It's been almost three years since we congratulated our climbing team on winning the Ukrainian Higher Education Championship. The break was first caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, then a full-scale war broke out. 

Charitable assistance from partners from Bavaria

On April 4, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was visited by a delegation of the Christian Social Union parliamentary group of the Bavarian Landtag (parliament) led by its chairman Klaus Holechek.

FTI master's student won gold at the prestigious IT competition

Sofia Drozd, a first-year master's student of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis (MMAD), won first place at the Student Research Competition (SRC), organized by the ACM, the oldest and largest international organization in the field of computer science.

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