Cooperation Agreement with the University of Ondokuz Mayis
On April, 2 NTUU "KPI" concluded the cooperation agreement with university Ondokuz Mayis (t. Samsun, Turkish Republic). On behalf of Kiev Polytechnic the agreement was signed by the vice-chancellor with international relations, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine Sergiy Sydorenko, on behalf of Ondokuz Mayis - rector professor Hussein Akan.
Agreement with Central European University Skalytsya
On March, 22 NTUU "KPI" was visited by the delegation of the Central European University and the University of Skalytsya and university of Koshytse (Slovak Republic ) consisting of the Rector of Central European University Skalytsya Heidi Shvartszova, the director of the Education Centre of the University Koshytse - Tatiana Varholova and the representative of University Kosice Mikhail Varhola.
The fair "Education in Japan" took place in KPI
The third annual fair of Japanese universities "Education in Japan" was held on March, 16 in NTUU "KPI". The organizer of the fair was Ukrainian - Japanese Center of NTUU "KPI". The assisting of the organization of the fair center was provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine , the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japanese organization helping students (JASSO).